
I’m The Rev. Susan Anslow Williams, an Episcopal Priest with 30 years’ experience in ordained ministry. I’m now serving the wonderful people of St Jude’s Church in Fenton, MI. If you want to find me online, go to: www.stjudesfenton.com

Or reach me on Facebook

Blessings and peace be with you.

Performing “The Fish who Loved St Francis” with The Rev Dr Bill McDonald – October 2023

About Susan

The Rev Susan Anslow Williams has spent her life so far as a baptized member of the Episcopal Church, USA.  After 18 months as a young adult mission volunteer in Liberia, West Africa, Susan changed her career plan from finance to priesthood. She attended the General Theological Seminary in New York City, receiving her MDiv in May of 1992, and was ordained shortly thereafter.

In addition to “Overseas Mission Field” her ministry locales have included

                Urban cathedral known for its music program (Buffalo NY)

                Small congregation in transition (Cheektowaga NY)

                Mid-size parish in a small city (Jamestown NY)

                Suburban parish in a changing neighborhood (Troy MI; Brighton MI)

Traditional churches that lost members especially during Covid (Milford and Fenton, MI)

In 2017-2018, Susan completed coursework through the Interim Ministry Network in Transition Ministry, also known as “Intentional Interim” training. She now has a variety of tools in her kit, to assist congregations in leadership transition — staying usually 12-18 months, between settled /long-term rectors or pastors.

Susan is familiar with worship and polity within the ELCA (Lutheran Church), having participated in ecumenical Bible studies and worship services, especially during her years in Jamestown NY. She would be happy to consider serving a Lutheran congregation in transition.

Academic and Vocational Credentials

1987, BA cum laude, Yale University

1992, MDiv, The General Theological Seminary

1992-1998, Canon for liturgy and family ministries, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buffalo NY

1998-1999, Interim priest, St. Patrick’s Church, Cheektowaga NY

2000-2012, Associate rector, St. Luke’s Church, Jamestown NY

2012-2018, Rector, St. Stephen’s Church, Troy MI

2018-2019, Lecturer in Homiletics and Liturgy, Academy forVocational Leadership (a joint program of three dioceses in Michigan)

2018-2020, Regular supply priest at St. Paul’s Church in Brighton, MI (over Zoom during the Coronavirus pandemic); All Saints Church in Detroit, MI; Nativity Episcopal Church in Bloomfield Township, MI; and St. Luke’s Chapel, Canterbury-on-the-Lake Senior Residence in Waterford, MI.

2020-2021, Interim Rector, St. Paul’s Church in Brighton, MI. It has been an unusual interim year, as the COVID-19 pandemic prevented most of the in-person work that is usually done in preparation for the Profile development! We learned the technology together, and I worked to prepare a good foundation for live-streaming, Zoomed classes, and other post-pandemic realities.

2021-2023, Interim Rector, St. George’s Church in Milford, MI. The pandemic combined with the unexpected departure of their priest caused painful losses of members and identity. We’ve been working intentionally on ministry redevelopment in preparation for calling a part-time Rector facing financial reality. In the process we’ve rebranded St George’s with an emphasis on joy, fun with dragons and willingness to look beyond the same-old, same-old.

2023- Priest-in-charge, St Jude’s Church in Fenton, MI. This historic church is home to a wonderful, caring group of people who want to grow again after the pandemic. We will be looking for ways to strengthen current ministries that still make sense, bid farewell to any that have run their course, and scope out the un-met needs of our community.

Continuing Education, particularly for Transitional ministry or consulting:

“Healthy Congregations” and “Congregational Family Systems” seminars (Peter Steinke)

“Appreciative Inquiry” fundamentals with Clergy Leadership Institute (Rob Voyle)

“Clergy Clinic in Family Emotional Process” using Bowen’s systems theory, at Lombard Mennonite Peace Center (Richard Blackburn)

“Fundamentals of Transitional Ministry” – the Work of the Pastor (part I), and the Work of the Congregation (part II), Interim Ministry Network faculty

College for Congregational Development” – brought to the Diocese of Michigan by Bp Melissa Skelton in 2022, I’ve completed both halves of this excellent program for the certificate.

Get in touch!